Monday, February 23, 2015

War Horse : Cinematic

   War Horse's cinematic aspect was outstanding! The cinematography of the movie had me wanting more of it after every single scene. The camera angles that they had setup for each scene was perfect. You could see everything in the background and still be focused on the main characters. I especially liked the camera angles for when Joey ("War Horse") was stuck in the middle of the battlefield. You could see the whole war setting where no one was suppose survive and then all you see is Joey stuck in the middle, alive. The lighting for the movie was amazing. You can clearly see everyone's face in the dark and cloudy scenes. A scene that showed the lighting work was when two German boy's found Joey and his companion. They ran away from the army and went into hiding in a dimly lit windmill. The light was coming through a small window, but you could see all the detail in the room. The floor and hay, their faces and clothes, it was all visible and clear. The music and sound effects used in the movie were very clear and matching every scene. The bombs and guns sound very realistic like you were at an actual war. The music perfectly matched the scene. The music used during the reunion of Joey and his owner Albert was very comforting and happy at the same time, it was just an amazing movie.
Joey stuck in barbed wires in No Man's Land.